Cold Intent

Cold Intent - The Thrilling Sequel to Best Eaten Cold

It was always too good to be true.

Finding her, arresting her, proving her guilt … that should have been enough.

It should have been, but a small voice, deep inside him, refused to be silenced. The voice which whispered the same words over and over – how even a jail sentence wouldn’t stop her.

And then Sam looked at Julie, standing tall in the dock waiting for the verdict. He watched her smile and knew the truth. 

It would never be over. She would always find a way to reach out for him and the nightmares would become reality once more.


Cold Intent is a stand-alone thriller which continues the tense story of Sam Blackwell and Julie Martin.

All Sam wants is the chance to return to a normal life – Julie has other ideas.

There are more secrets lurking in the past than anyone imagined. Well hidden, but not quite well enough.

In a headlong rush to a final nail-biting conclusion, all becomes clear.


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Reviews for Cold Intent

Brilliant, so exciting

I couldn’t put it down. My feeling right now is that I’m disappointed that it’s over

I loved the way this book overlays onto the first one – really clever

The characters are fleshed out beautifully. If the first book was telling the story, this felt like the illustrated version, bringing colour and texture to the basic framework.

I didn’t see the twists coming,

Couldn’t  put it down.

Page turning and thrilling with an excellent build up of tension